No worries, that hideous fan is now gone!
We took many trips to Lowes during the project! We left the hard work to the professionals, but Rainer and I caulked, filled holes, sanded all the wood work. And Rainer with a little help from a friend and my dad painted the halls and woodwork, Thank you Daddy! We had Bitty's room wallpapered.
We took one last nap in our crib before it officially became Boo's bed!
Went out to a special dinner complete with ice cream to celebrate being such a big girl, and a big sister too!
And here we are so proud of ourselves in our big girl bed!
She did great with the transition, she of course got out the first night and knocked on her polite! When we opened the door she said 'May I be excused?". Hilarious, yes, but no she was not excused...She really loves her new room and her bed! It was my bed when I was little so its so sweet to see her in it!
May I be excused? I'm going to start trying this out at work. ;)