Sunday, May 29, 2011

Preparing for Another Baby Girl

In less than 2 weeks we will welcome our second baby girl, Boo, into our family. We can hardly wait to meet her. There's been much preparation as far as getting Bitty moved to a big girl room and the usual nesting projects. But the major preparation seems to be happening in all of our hearts. Of all my anticipation and worrying over Bitty adjusting well I'm overwhelmed with joy at what a blessing this child is! Bitty speaks of her so often and I'm praying for a seamless transition. It feels like time to meet her, to welcome her home, she's been a part of our lives for so long already it seems, written on the tablets of our hearts.

I hope to remember all the funny and sweet things Bitty has said to Boo in my tummy.. Some of my favorites are when she kisses her or tickles her. She loves to feel her kick and tell her good morning and good night. As I'm growing expotenially these days she said, "Oh mama! Boo is a big girl now!". Sometimes she'll just lean down and tell her little tidbits like ,"Guess what? Its valentines day!"...or one time she just said "I lub you, oh one more thing..Ding Dong!" So funny!

I had to share this ultrasound picture that was such a gift to me, to see her SMILING in my womb! What a sweet joyful spirit she already has!

Colossians 2:6-7
So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.


  1. Ding dong is hilarious! What a sweet picture of her smiling!

  2. Now I have to switch to waterproof mascara when I read your blog! xo
