Sunday, January 6, 2013

We choose Joy!

Well hello there. It has been awhile. Be patient with me as I ease back into the blogging world. Since I last blogged my life has become even sweeter. There were times I wanted to jump back into blogging over the years, but catching up is too much. So instead of catching up, lets jump right into the present :) We are in a season of our lives where we are embracing the fullness, the abundance of joy and peace that Jesus gave His life for. We are stepping out in faith to embark on this adoption journey, trusting that as we pursue the Father's heart He will provide. There is so very much unknown at this point, and many people seem to focus on the unknown as they ask us about the start of this journey to our new baby girl. I want to address many of those questions, and I never want to downplay the way they ache in me...Where is she? Who is her birth mother? When will she be in my physical arms? All of the unknown is so overwhelming. So hear me that I will try my best to answer questions as they arise. But we've settled into our little family doing things a little differently over the past few years. And I'd be lying if I did not say we are approaching adoption and this journey differently. We can choose to be overwhelmed with the unknown, that is real and can hit us in the face if we let it. Or we can chose to believe Jesus, that his word is true, that he has come so we may experience life and life to the full. This adoption, this journey will be full....Full of Joy, Full of deeper revelations of how much Father God loves us to call us his own! We are making that choice now, We choose Joy! He has chosen me as his own daughter, and He has given me my beautiful daughters, chosen for us before the beginning of time. Amazing Grace indeed. Several blog posts to come. Thanks for believing with us!

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