Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Humility in a Bottle

This picture has been haunting me for years.

I think Gwyneth Paltrow is stunning. I saw her once in person in Austin and have had a slight obession every since. When she went brunette back in the day I loved it. Yes, she is better blonde but she was still beautiful as a brunette. Which leads me to my current predicament. For years every time the season changes to fall I have an itch to go brunette. I'm always talked out of it, and always grateful that I didn't do it. Until this year...

I've been coloring my own hair to save some money for a while now and they were out of my current color yesterday. (Perfect oppourtunity to try something new huh?!) Well let me tell you something, if the bottle says "Dark Blonde" they are lying. Dark, Yes. Blonde, No. So in my attempt to go a little darker I now have brown hair. And as I suspected I cannot pull it off like Gwyneth can.

Good thing I did it during the Holiday season where there will be pictures galore and I'll get to see everyone I know in one months time. If you're one of those people, be gentle, I know its too dark. But hey, we all make mistakes, right? Too bad mine landed on my head.


  1. Well, you recall my jet black fiasco from last year. I feel your pain. Dish soap is what my hairdresser told me to try...I used it religiously for weeks it is barely made a dent, but perhaps it will help you. I'm sure you look great. Love you!

  2. Are you really not going to show us a picture???!!

  3. Ahhhahahaha. I'm reading these backwards, so I know it isn't bad, but this is hilarious. Thanks for sharing. :)

    That movie is what prompted me to cut off ALL my long hair because Gwyneth looked so CUTE with short-short hair.

    Hint #1: I am not Gwyneth.
