Saturday, December 5, 2009

You asked for it

Due to the comments on the hair dye fiasco, I've decided to show you the final product, and the really dark too...

Here is the way too dark color. Ouch (yes this is a self-portrait taken with my phone in the mirror, i have many talents)

Here is after a cut to trim off my over processed ends (by yours truly) and after some highlights...At least its closer to AE's color :) Besides after seeing the color my sister-in-law Emily told me it made me look "taller" Hmmmm...

Have no fear, I will return to being blonde shortly. And honestly I will probably color it myself again, (it takes me a while to learn lessons apparently.)


  1. See, I read these posts and I saw you Thursday and I didn't even notice!!! Maybe I am just not good at paying attention, or maybe it doesn't look as bad as you think! At least it's not purple, cause that would be weird.

  2. I LOVE it! I think it's so cute, and I've been into going darker lately. But that top picture—seriously. Cracking me up!

  3. Laurie Ann- this is Anna Boney's friend Laura (we met briefly at your house a few years ago). Anna gave me your blog address and I have loved reading up on your life and your precious daughter! I was wondering, what color do you use on your hair (usually before you dyed it darker)? Is it something you can buy at a drugstore or something? I am into saving money right now and could definitely use some advice on products. Thanks!
